
Campus for the post of Lab Instructor/ Workshop Instructor KK Group of Institutions


The following candidates has been provisionally selected for the post of Lab Instructor/ Workshop Instructor during campus drive which was held on 20/02/2019 by KK Insitututions.   Congratulations!

1. Amrit Minz - Fitter                              2. Vinit Abhay Toppo - Fitter                      

3. Mukesh Kumar Mandal - Fitter      4. David Ranjan Kujur - Fitter                

 5. Binod Kujur - Fitter                            6. Victor Topno - Fitter

7. Alok Albert Tigga - Fitter                    8. MD Saif - Machinist                               

9. Saul Xalxo - Machinist                       10. Johnson Dahanga - Machinist                

11. Raj Tirkey - Machinist                       12. Ujwal Lakra - Machinist

13. Nelson Beck - Machinist                  14. Manoj Tigga - Welder                          

15. Nelson Ekka - Welder                 

Job based training will be conducted from 16/03/2019 to 31/03/2019. After successful training they will be absorb as full time employee w.e.f. 01/04/2019 as per the terms and conditions of the Institute.

Result: Campus for Machinist held on 30/01/2020


Company Name: TATA Steel Pvt. Ltd, Jemshedpur

Job profile: Apprentice Trainee, Location: Jemshedpur

Stipend: As Per Apprentice Act, No. Candidates Attended: 16 No. Candidates Selected: 03

Sl. No:

Candidates Name

Trade /passing Year


Pritius Xalxo

Machinist 2019


Alois Tirkey

Machinist 2019


Aiyub Topno

Machinist 2019

Ananda Imperial, Bilaspur 13/03/2018


Company name: The Ananda Imperial, Address: VyaparVihar Road Bilaspur (C. G.) 495001

  • Job Profile:F & B Service
  • No. of Vacancy : 03, No. Trainees Joined:  1
  • Qualification: 10th
  • Salary: 5500 , Other Benefits: Food & Accommodation
  • Mode of Selection: Telephonic Interview
  • Venue of Joining: Bilaspur, Date of Joining: 13/03/2018

Sl. No:

Candidates  Name

Trade /passing Year



F & B/2018