Pradhan Mantri Kausal Kendra


All applicants before being admitted must appear for counselling and an interview. No one may be admitted without the flowing : 

1. The applicants should fill in the application form with the utmost accuracy. The signing of this form will constitute an agreement on the part of the parents/ guardians and the candidate to abide by the rules of the Institute as laid down in the school dairy.

2. New candidates should be introduced to the Principal by the parents/guardians who will be responsible for the trainee before the Institute authorities.

3. Trainees must be regular for Classes and must have 90% attendance in order to appear for the Exam of Sector skill Council and must show sufficient practical aptitude may be asked to leave.

4. Guardians are expected to meet the Institute authorities from time to time to assess the performance of their ward


Documents required must be submitted along with the application form:

1. Trainee Registration Form (given form the Centre)

2. Copy of Aadhar Card

3. Bank Account linked with Aadhar

4. Address Proof

5. Proof of last academic qualification

6. Photo

7. Parent Consent Form (given form the Centre)