30 Jan 2018-DBpvtITI Celebrates the Feast of St. John Bosco

“Everything fades away, but not our gratitude. We shall always pray that God will abundantly bless those who have been so good to us.” St. John “Don Bosco 

Don Bosco,during his lifetime, transformed the hopes and futures of thousands ofdisadvantaged youth. Today, our nearly 30,000 Priests, Brothers, Sisters andnovices preserve and cultivate his legacy as the “father and teacher of youth”in more than 130 countries around the globe. 

Each January 31st, we pay special tribute to Saint John “Don”Bosco, the founder of the Salesian Society, The Staff and Students of Don BoscoPvt. Industrial Training Centre Celebrates the Fest of St. John Bosco, our Fatherand founder on 30th January 2018. We, at DBpvtITI impart skilltraining to  over 500 trainees in NCVT  Course, Sector skill council course, PMKK,PMKVY and CSR initiatives of Accenture, DHFL, Jp Morgan, Yamaha and othertraining partners.  

We are grateful for the prayers, generosity and kindness of our many friends, who make this skill training to the needy youth possible.

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